Mono Rail Mounting System
Discover the convenience of solar mounting with our range of mono rail solutions. Mono rails are the most preferred system for trapezoidal and corrugated sheet metal, owing to their hassle-free installation process, without the need for time-consuming fixing in the roof substructure. Our range can comfortably be installed on pitched roofs ranging from 5 to 75°. Rails are available in customized lengths to accommodate various load and insulation requirements.
System Benefits
Maximum utilisation of the roof surface and evenly distributed electricity production
Efficient use of space thanks
to 10° module inclination and landscape installation
Cross connections at module field edges for high stability
Suitable for wide modules
Technical Brief
- Raw Material
- Rail Height
- Rail Length
- Surface Finish
- Roof Type:
- Wind Speed
- Aluminium 6063 T6, SS 304
- 30mm, 70mm, 100mm
- 100mm std, Customizable
- Anodized, Non-Anodizied
- Trapezoidal Metal Sheet
- Upto 160 kmph
- Building Height:
- Roof Min Thickness
- -
- Certifications:
- Warranty:
- > 0.4mm Steel
- > 0.5mm Aluminium
- Standard 10 + Extendable